The “swimful” way
Swimful, the premier curriculum offered by K&K Swim School, is designed to foster a lifelong love for the water. Born out of a mother's connection with her baby in the water, our curriculum began in 2014 when Kaylee Kennedy opened the Saskatoon Swim School, which later evolved into K&K Swim School. Her experience ignited a passion for teaching others and laid the foundation for our program. Today, our Swimful curriculum continues to inspire and empower swimmers of all ages and abilities across Canada.
Our unique curriculum is meticulously crafted with the best industry standards to guide swimmers through each stage of learning, emphasizing mindfulness, breath control and building a connection with the water. We prioritize personal progress and growth over the traditional pass/fail system, recognizing that each swimmer has their own unique journey.
Our dedicated instructors provide personalized attention, tailoring the lessons to meet the specific needs and abilities of each individual. At K&K, we believe that every swimmer deserves the opportunity to develop at their own pace, gaining confidence in their relationship with the water. With our unwavering commitment to connect, trust, challenge, grow, and inspire, we’re dedicated to empowering our community both in and out of the water.
Now let’s break each category down…
Parent & Tot
In Float, parents and babies will be introduced to the basics of learning to love the water while supporting their growth and development. To familiarize babies in the water, we maintain trust and connection through teaching confident submersions and breath control. We aim to teach parents how to float their baby for up to 3 seconds at a time on the surface of the water.
In Dive, parents and babies will build on the breath control learned in Float, exploring submersions deeper underwater. Dive challenges the parent and swimmer out of their comfort zone while building trust, connection, and confidence in the water.
In Swim, babies become independent swimmers with strong breath control, confident submersions, and the ability to recover at Points of Safety around the pool. Parents will know how and when to assist their swimmer to deep dive, float, jump, turn-around and problem solve while swimming. This level is designed to create confident, independent, swimming toddlers that move through the water with purpose, stamina, and awareness.
learn to swim program
getting comfortable
Getting Comfortable is all about learning swimming foundations, like how to breathe around water and how to submerge without getting water up the nose. With the swimmer’s confidence from their progressed submersions and trust in their Instructor, the swimmer progresses to floating for up to 3 seconds to and from different parts of the pool.
by myself
By Myself takes the skills learned in Getting Comfortable and challenges swimmers further with a focus on Deep Diving 3 feet to the bottom of the pool. Deep Diving teaches the swimmer to remain calm in all the other independent skills taught in this level like pop-ups, standing jumps, assisted deep dives, kick & pulls, and turnarounds.
Our Confident level builds on the foundations that were built in the Getting Comfortable and By Myself levels. The swimmer is meant to swim for longer distances without ever relying on the floor to breathe. They are trained to problem solve when and how to swim to Points of Safety in the pool, creating purpose in their movements. They are challenged further by introducing skills like flips onto the back, glides, kicks, independent deep dives, and the clothed swim challenge.
stroke development program
Once swimmers have mastered the basics and can breathe quickly and effortlessly without dropping their feet to the floor, it’s time to learn the first two of the four Olympic strokes. Our Coordination level introduces Front and Back Crawl, strengthening the swimmers ability to coordinate the movement of their arms, legs, and breathing. They are taught patience and control with every stroke made, creating efficiency in getting from one end of the pool to the other.
In Detail, swimmers focus on the finer details of the Front and Back Crawl strokes. A faster pace and side breathing is introduced and challenges the swimmer to maintain control. To make this level further challenging, Breast Stroke and Butterfly kick is learned. The swimmer is learning to move their legs and flex their feet properly to tread and keep their head above water.
In Efficient, swimmers learn Breast Stroke pull and timing. Understanding each element of the stroke is dire to successfully and efficiently completing Breast Stroke. The swimmer is also controlled enough in their movements to learn and apply the real Front Crawl technique. The arms are introduced to the idea of treading water, challenging the swimmer’s coordination in keeping their head above water
In Endurance, the swimmer finally learns the timing and coordination behind Butterfly. Though, the focus of the entire level is to master the basics of each stroke’s technique. The swimmer learns to apply the start, glide, and transition to each stroke. An efficient stroke allows the swimmer to build their endurance, allowing them to swim faster and longer with ease and control. Swimmers learn how to optimize their Front and Back Crawl, Breaststroke, and Butterfly stroke mechanics to reduce drag and increase propulsion.